Bible study ideas
Bible study ideas

If you want to take it to the next level, look up the word in a Greek or Hebrew lexicon or study guide. This type of study will allow you to delve into all of the different ways particular words are used in the Bible and give you a better understanding of word meanings. You will likely have the chance to read the word in context in both the Old and New Testaments. Then, look this word up in the various places it is used in the Bible. Turn to the back of your Bible and you should find a concordance–which lists major words found in the Bible. Second, what does this passage mean now? What instruction is there for everyone? Third, what does it mean for me and to me personally? How can I apply this passage to my life today? Two – Study one word at a time using your Bible Concordance. Try to discover what was going on when these verses were written. This is an easy and powerful way to study the Bible! Three Great Questions to Ask: First, what did it mean back then? Look in the notes and margins. Growing up, my pastor (Adrian Rogers) taught us to ask three great questions when reading any passage. From time to time, we all need some new Bible study ideas! I know I do! From time to time, we all need some new Bible study ideas! I know I do! Click To Tweet Here are 10 ways to study the Bible and keep things fresh: One – Try the 3 Question Method. Maybe you could use a different approach-something to change things up a bit. ~ Do you ever get feel like you are in a rut with your devotions? ~ Do you find yourself growing bored or uninterested in personal Bible study? 10 Ways to Make Your Personal Bible Study More Interesting: Maybe you just need something new and fresh.

bible study ideas

Honestly, I think we can all get into a Bible study groove that can become a rut. I need to try something different or fresh to keep me going.” This is what a sweet friend said to me recently.

bible study ideas

“Sometimes I get a little bored or get in a rut with my personal Bible study.

Bible study ideas